Dede Evavold’s poor decisions over the last few years have started to pile up, and an online rant from Evavold last evening shows she is a ticking time bomb.
In a post acknowledging that she is being sued in civil court by David Rucki, Samantha Rucki, and Gianna Rucki for her role in the disappearance of Samantha and Gianna for 944 days, Evavold made a direct threat at her “opponents”:
“It’s time that our opponents are subjected to the natural consequences of their cruel and criminal actions they have so freely wrought upon us. We need to go beyond acknowledgment of the corruption to actually taking action. Stop operating in fear and get on the frontlines!”
Evavold has a long history of using social media to threaten and harass David Rucki, his family, and anyone who reports on her criminal activity. Evavold and her blog have posted pictures of the Rucki home, maps to their home, and pictures of the Rucki family.
At her sentencing hearing last November, Judge Asphaug also said Evavold “showed no remorse or comprehension” for her actions against the Rucki family, adding that Evavold’s actions “disrupted a family for 944 days.”
In October, Evavold lost her appeal of her criminal conviction and just this week, Office of the Appellate Courts notified Evavold that her petition for review to the Minnesota Supreme Court was not properly filed and would need to be resubmitted.
Last evening, a clearly frustrated Evavold made it known who her “opponents” are and what she plans on doing. As with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Evavold’s behavior should scare you.
Below is a summary of what Missing in Minnesota has published in the last year about Evavold’s threatening behavior.
Evavold sent threatening letter from jail; family claims she has an “undiagnosed mental illness”
While in jail, Evavold sent a letter to court staff which containing numerous threats targeted at public officials in Dakota County.
In a handwritten letter dated October 17, 2016, Evavold wrote “that from jail, I can use the truth” to “completely destroy [the] blackened reputation” of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and elected officials from Dakota County.
Evavold lives in St. Cloud with her husband Darin and their two children. Evavold’s husband was in the courtroom for her sentencing, as were other members of Evavold’s family.
But her family did not attend the criminal trial.
Evavold’s sister wrote a letter to the court claiming that Evavold has an “undiagnosed mental illness” and a “severe disorganized brain.”
Court grants restraining order against Evavold
As previously reported by Missing in Minnesota, Evavold has repeatedly violated the explicit terms of her probation and the HRO by continuing to reference the Rucki family in her use of social media.
In July, a court in Dakota County has found that “an immediate and present danger of harassment” by Dede Evavold exists to warrant the granting of a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) requested by David Rucki and his daughter, Samantha Rucki, against Evavold.
The court further found that there are “reasonable grounds to believe that [Evavold] has harassed [David Rucki and Samantha Rucki] (or minor children included in the petition)…”
Specifically, the court found that Evavold “made threats” to David Rucki and Samantha Rucki, and that “the harassment has had or is intended to have a substantial adverse effect on [David Rucki and Samantha Rucki’s] safety, security, or privacy.”
Evavold is prohibited from having any “direct or indirect contact” with David Rucki, Samantha and Gianna Rucki, and two other minor Rucki children. Evavold is also prohibited from naming “any member of the Rucki family in any blog posting, social media posting, or internet posting.”
Evavold is scheduled to appear at a hearing in civil court on December 13, 2017, regarding her repeated HRO violation.
New criminal charges filed against Evavold

Evavold was charged in September with three criminal counts of violating the same HRO granted by a court in Dakota County.
She has been charged with three misdemeanors and if convicted, Evavold could be sentenced up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine on each charge.
At her arraignment hearing, Evavold violated the HRO at the courthouse when approached David Rucki in the hallway outside the courtroom and spoke to him.
Evavold pleaded not guilty at her arraignment on October 17, and a pre-trial hearing was scheduled for January 9, 2018.
New probation violations to be filed against Evavold
In August, Dakota County Community Corrections filed a Probation Violation Report with Dakota County District Court. At a court hearing earlier this month, Assistant Dakota County Attorney Kathy Keena requested the hearing be postponed in part to allow Keena to file new probation violations against Evavold.
Judge Karen Asphaug scheduled the next hearing for March 7, 2018, where a determination will be made if Evavold has violated the conditions of her probation.