Evavold defends Neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, and white supremacist gathering in Charolettesville

Dede Evavold, who was convicted of six felonies related to her involvement in the disappearance of two sisters, has published numerous posts defending the Neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, and white supremacist gathering Charolettesville, Virginia which led to the death of three people.

Evavold’s defense of the Unite the Right rally held last week comes at a time when she is violating both a recently granted restraining order and the terms of her probation by harassing and threatening David Rucki and his family from Lakeville, Minnesota.

Missing in Minnesota is not linking to the posts published by Evavold because of the incendiary tone of material and also due to her perpetual harassment of the Rucki family.

Court grants restraining order against Evavold

A court in Dakota County recently found that “an immediate and present danger of harassment” by Evavold exists to warrant the granting of a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) requested by David Rucki and his daughter, Samantha Rucki, against Evavold.

Evavold was convicted last September of six felonies for her role in the disappearance of Samantha Rucki and her sister Gianna, who were abducted near their home on Lakeville by their mother Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, during a custody and divorce proceeding.

Since being released from jail in January, Evavold has continued to harass and target the Rucki family in her use of social media, including posting pictures of the Rucki family and their home in Lakeville.

Evavold has repeatedly violated the HRO granted by a court in Dakota County to protect the Rucki family from her continued harassment and threatening behavior.

Evavold sent threatening letter from jail; family claims she has an “undiagnosed mental illness”

While in jail, Evavold sent a letter to court staff which containing numerous threats targeted at public officials in Dakota County.

In a handwritten letter dated October 17, 2016, Evavold wrote “that from jail, I can use the truth” to “completely destroy [the] blackened reputation” of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and elected officials from Dakota County.

Evavold lives in St. Cloud with her husband Darin and their two children. Evavold’s husband was in the courtroom for her sentencing, as were other members of Evavold’s family.

Her family did not attend the criminal trial.

As noted in David Rucki’s statement, Evavold’s sister wrote a letter to the court claiming that Evavold has an “undiagnosed mental illness” and “a severe disorganized brain.

Evavold connected to Michelle MacDonald

Michelle MacDonald. Picture source: Michelle MacDonald

Evavold previously served as Michelle MacDonald’s campaign manager for MacDonald’s campaign for the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2014. MacDonald ran for the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2016 against Justice Natalie Hudson and Evavold was listed as the chair of MacDonald’s campaign until May 2016.

According to MacDonald’s most recent campaign finance report, MacDonald owes Evavold $2,635.04 for public relations and mileage expenses.

MacDonald serves as Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s family court attorney and was labeled as a “person of interest” in 2015 by the Lakeville Police Department in the disappearance of Samantha and Gianna Rucki. MacDonald was labeled in April 2015 as a “person of interest” by the Lakeville Police Department in the disappearance of Samantha and Gianna Rucki.

MacDonald refused to cooperate with the Lakeville Police Department’s investigation into her possible involvement in the disappearance of the sisters  – even after public statements from her that she would cooperate in the investigation.

Her criminal defense attorney, Stephen Grigsby, said in 2015 that he would advise MacDonald to not speak with the Lakeville Police Department.

MacDonald attended portions of Grazzini-Rucki’s criminal trial and her sentencing hearing, but MacDonald did not attend any of Evavold’s trial.

Evavold’s sister told the court that after Evavold met MacDonald she began “spiraling out of control.”

Click here to read more about Evavold, and check back to Missing in Minnesota for additional updates.