Dede Evavold ordered by court to remove threatening post targeting Rucki family

Dede Evavold has been ordered by a court in Dakota County to remove a threatening blog post that contained the private address of the Rucki family.

The order requiring Evavold to remove her threatening blog post was included in court documents signed by Judge Philip Kanning and filed today in Dakota County District Court.

Judge Kanning granted the request filed by Lisa Elliott on behalf of the Rucki family at a court hearing last month on the Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) granted by a court in Dakota County last year.

At the hearing on December 13, 2017, Elliott said that Evavold’s post published the private address of the Rucki family on a platform with a “dangerous” audience. Evavold did not respond to Elliott’s claims in court, but Judge Kanning said he would grant the motion filed by Elliott.

The order from Judge Kanning also keeps the HRO filed against Evavold in full effect.

Court granted restraining order against Evavold

As previously reported by Missing in Minnesota, Evavold has repeatedly violated the explicit terms of her probation and the HRO by continuing to reference the Rucki family in her use of social media.

In July 2017, a court in Dakota County has found that “an immediate and present danger of harassment” by Dede Evavold exists to warrant the granting of an HRO requested by David Rucki and his daughter, Samantha Rucki, against Evavold.

The court further found that there are “reasonable grounds to believe that [Evavold] has harassed [David Rucki and Samantha Rucki] (or minor children included in the petition)…”

Specifically, the court found that Evavold “made threats” to David Rucki and Samantha Rucki, and that “the harassment has had or is intended to have a substantial adverse effect on [David Rucki and Samantha Rucki’s] safety, security, or privacy.”

Evavold is prohibited from having any “direct or indirect contact” with David Rucki, Samantha and Gianna Rucki, and two other minor Rucki children. Evavold is also prohibited from naming “any member of the Rucki family in any blog posting, social media posting, or internet posting.”

Below is the full order from Judge Kanning.

Allison Mann contributed to this story.

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